Пойдёт ли на переговоры богомерзкий клоун и б. президент б. Украины? Казалось бы, вопрос риторический. Почти все сходятся в том, что безмерно раздутое тщеславие унюханного скомороха, угрозы со стороны радикальных нацистов и поддержка Запада делают этот сценарий практически нереальным. О том, что генитальный пианист до смерти боится оголтелых бандеровцев и присягнул им кровью на верность, […]
Thinking’s… 1. Don’t waste too much time conversing with the West; instead, concentrate on deconstructing NATO (the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization), whose principal objective is to murder Russian citizens on Russian territory and eventually destroy Russia. Then never look back at the West except to guard your back from the future nasty Hordes… 2. No […]
Not only must the Ukraine be eliminated. The Western Empire of Lies and Chaos, which is its mediator, must also come to its inevitable conclusion. For without removing the source? The same happens forever… WtR
No matter what you want to believe… The clouds are building high in the sky and the sides are gathering… One side is right and one side is wrong… Do you believe in your side? WtR
The real story is starting to surface. Hamas did not claim many lives. IDF appears to have murdered the majority of its soldiers and civilians before blaming Hamas for their deaths. The credibility of these fake news stories was not questioned by the MSM globally. The proof has now been supplied by the reliable Israeli […]
Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation (9 July 2024) Over the past 24 hours, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation delivered a group strike by precision weaponry at U.S.-made HIMARS MLRS that were prepared to deliver strikes at the territory of Crimea, as well as a place of […]
I realize it is not, a in a sense, a real Cuckoo Clock, yet it is a family member and anything that lasts almost 30 years, deserves respect in this day and age. An age that seems to be, a 1 year use it and toss it away and buy a new one type age… […]
The poison that festers inside eventually makes it to the surface… Now look towards the west… It is all festering on the surface, like boils ready to pop… WtR