Interesting that literally all the Western know-it-all never touch upon the facts that Resources are necessary to fight a war and the West literally does not have resources to do such a thing within this day and age… The Gasoline Tank is getting very empty… WtR
The drumbeat of war between Russia and the U.S. (“Rinascita”, Italy) So obvious that “Puppet Obama” was a huge instigator to all what we see happening today… WtR
Email was sent to me and it read: “Why don’t Europeans recognize that the US is throwing them under the bus? I can’t stand it. The United States is provoking Russia to attack all of Europe, as they have done and been proven with Ukraine.” Something evil has reared its head and we are the […]
The collective West, which is full of craven, greedy fools, is unaware that Ukraine is now playing the ultimate role of being the shiny object over there, dragging them down and distracting them while the global majority builds institutions and structures over which the collective West and its corrupt billionaire class will have no control […]
“We will continue to support it on its irreversible path to full Euro-Atlantic integration, including NATO membership.” This is what our enemies said yesterday in the Washington Declaration of the Alliance. The conclusion is obvious. We must do everything so that Ukraine’s “irreversible path” to NATO ends with either the disappearance of Ukraine or the […]
Then why do you walk around with a Smartphone in your face? It was not long ago that if a person had walked out of their house with a hand mirror and went to work and or school and or shopping looking at that mirror constantly, you would be shunned as eccentric and or very […]
Пойдёт ли на переговоры богомерзкий клоун и б. президент б. Украины? Казалось бы, вопрос риторический. Почти все сходятся в том, что безмерно раздутое тщеславие унюханного скомороха, угрозы со стороны радикальных нацистов и поддержка Запада делают этот сценарий практически нереальным. О том, что генитальный пианист до смерти боится оголтелых бандеровцев и присягнул им кровью на верность, […]
Thinking’s… 1. Don’t waste too much time conversing with the West; instead, concentrate on deconstructing NATO (the North Atlantic Terrorist Organization), whose principal objective is to murder Russian citizens on Russian territory and eventually destroy Russia. Then never look back at the West except to guard your back from the future nasty Hordes… 2. No […]