Comments will be a thing of the past…

Update: Because of this post…. *** Zero Hedge removed my privileges to comment on their site. I guess I upset a few apple carts with the truth…

Zero Hedge or ZH banned me…

Many sites who can afford it are going to paywalls to hide comments behind. It is the new way to try to hide against the censorship that Google, Facebook, Twitter and other “Gov” censoring sites does to your posts. Comments are now officially a liability and even what few I have had lately have been the cause of posts to be banned. Not the content that is being banned yet, but the comments cause the post to be ignored by search engines…

Threatening letters have been sent by e-mail and it is just not worth it anymore…

You will find as I am always on the beginning of stating the facts, “Comments will become and are now being exploited as a means to censor articles that do not meet the desired criteria for acceptance!”

This will ultimately end up even against articles all over the world, but for now, that freedom of comments has been hit hard and will be hit harder as a means to censor articles, unless you have lots of money and can get a ton of subscribers to a private paywall system…

I leave very few comments anywhere anymore. I do not care to get comments anymore myself. The comments you receive are 75% trolled by external forces anyway. For the most part, by government associated think-tanks who spend all their time looking for articles to disrupt the line of thinking being presented….mainly thinking and thoughts that do not go along with the status quo…

A perfect example of a destroyed website is Zero Hedge;

Needless to say, whether due to “mistakes” or overt attempts to demonetize us, the writing on the wall was clear: while they may be entirely within their rights to do whatever they want as “private” companies, pardon monopolies, the ‘social’ and ad-based gatekeepers of online content – the twitters, the googles, the facebooks of the world – had launched an overt crusade to upend the uncensored internet, to snuff out independent thought, contrarian views, and inconvenient opinions and create one giant echo chamber of consent straight out of George Orwell. To do that they would use any and every tool they have access to, and unfortunately we had to comply with the whims of these monopolies which nobody in Congress has the guts to challenge directly and to strip them of their too-big-to-question powers.

Source: Introducing ZeroHedge Premium | ZeroHedge

Update: *** (Oops, I upset some ZH apple carts with this next statement!)

Now it does not matter that Zero Hedge was going down the slippery slope of worthlessness this last few years. It does not matter that six years by me of being a ZH’er and I disagree with its path after it sold out and folded under the pressure…

The fact is that ZH is not worth the time or trouble to have a comment system and the hate on the comments became way too much, this last year with all the Trumpies and Bidenites threatening everyone everywhere. So to pay to be insulted by morons is not in the works…

ZH wants big dollars to act like an idiot and I am sure that with all there is in the world, many will sign up!

Not me, so my tenure as a ZH’er is over. Time to never go back except to look over a few articles and more on. Like I do with so many sites nowadays…

$25 a month at a year long subscription to act the fool….$30 per month. One at a time. $300 a year to one year at a time. Yippy! No way!

ZH has become its own Orwellian site and does not need your money. They have been bought and paid for long ago by the higher ups…

If you are awake?

You will see that WtR was censored by Facebook years ago. Twitter censored WtR at the same time. Google has censored WtR for several years now and squelches articles that get through, the ones that tell too much truth…

Update: And now Zero Hedge censors WtR and yours truly…

For years, since WtR had obtained an unbelievable readership at one time, it has been under constant barrages of attacks. Yet, even as you read this, the ones (websites) that have some money backing them are now showing the signs of the collective censorship that has been part of my life on WtR since almost day one…

Therefore, I am happy with my two thousand average first page tracking views, That is one view counted per reader per day. Not how many page views total, but how many different people a day come. They can look at a thousand articles, it is still one hit in my eyes. I am happy with two thousand average a day. The issue is that if I get more than that, I start having to fight tooth and nail to keep it online…

Fudge Muffins!

Forget the comments…


PS: Besides the page loads much faster and “Google” likes that better!