You would think a country that has Winter around 7 to 8 months a year would have ice cubes. That is what I am thinking about in conjuncture with a e-mail I received and they told me that they, “I Hate Russia because there is no ice in their drinks!” then they went on to say, “I even had to beg at McDonald’s to get ice and McDonald’s is an American company!” They did not even say anything good about Russia, just that they hated Russia (With explicit language included!) and that was their reason…
I guess each to our own and if you gotta hate! Hate for a good reason right? No Ice… 🙂
My conclusion is that any country that is frozen as long as Russia is frozen, does not have a desire for putting frozen cubes of water in their mouths. I know that I have lost the desire to cool myself with frozen water and I think that to a Russian, that would just be stupid thing to do and climate has a whole bunch to do with it. Just like Russians are not happy with fans to cool themselves in the summer. Summer is just not that hot 99% of the time and they do not have the thoughts geared toward fans or ice…
Oh and this person had just been to Russia in the last month. If that is true then they did not need ice in the first place and if they wanted cold drinks, just place the bottle on the balcony for a few hours and the drink would be in the cold way very quickly. The other night it was -5 Celsius and it is freezing almost every night now and part of the days…
So while I feel for the poor American that did not have ice in Russia, I also think that hating Russia as vehemently as it was presented to me in the e-mail is just plain ignorant and to use it as a bases to hate something or someone is very sad…
So for you world travelers from the Western world: Russia has no ice for drinks and even McDonald’s will fill your cup ice-less unless you explain to them you want ice. To be honest, I want no ice and more soda…
Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia
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