Erdogan and Putin? Chess and Checkers? West and East? Good and Evil?

America: She really is, “The Empire of Lies and Chaos”…

justwannaI have been following this situation and I have even asked questions all around. Then a few days ago, I saw the chess moves by Putin and realized once again; Russia plays Chess and America plays Checkers

One of my news sources and a source closely tied to Iran is Farsnews. I have talked about how I will read all news and if you really want to see the whole story, you must read foreign press and you must learn which news outlets are affiliated with governments. For every site has truth and most in the east have much more truth than in the west. This is the only way that truth comes out and most of what I say on this blog is from dozens of sites at the same time and a messing of the truth bits that spring up like flowers after a rain storm… : Farsnews four days ago said this in the linked article. My suspicions were being fortified at this point. Farsnews is very accurate, if not always upsetting to western press/western governments most of the time…

Then this

AlMonitor confirmed what I knew was happening and I still hear only crickets chirping in the western world about the game they started, as it is going south for the winter. I will let you read the articles if you desire. It would be good for you to expand your horizons and look around and get out of that western press mindset…

(Oh, and the purging in Turkey? This is the most massive purge of foreign sympathetic 5th columns I have ever seen in my life time and it should show you to what extent that the west will infiltrate and spend money to control you as a people!)

There is tons more information about this, but, this is in English…

Therefore, I asked myself and many others; Did Russia have anything to do with the Turkey situation?

Blatantly obvious: Yes!


It answers why! Well at least to me it does. But then I do not look at the Western Empire as a Golden Tower of the gods, gleaming in the sunshine for all to worship. I see a crumbling Whore Empire that desperately wants to hold on to her vestiges of power, even if she has to sell her soul to keep it one day longer…

She really is, “The Empire of Lies and Chaos”…

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Erdogan and Putin? Chess and Checkers? West and East? Good and Evil?

The above in bold letters statement is for all you Hollywood types, who have to have it plain and simple…

But it is not that simple as that bold statement. You have to add Iran, China and many more into the equation. The lines are being drawn, the games have commenced, the chess players are against the checker players and what goes on behind closed doors is something we have no privy about…

Pretty simple; Russia tipped off Turkey about a coup! Russia saved Erdogan’s life! Iran seems to have supplied the intel! America was caught with her pants down or skirt up! The coup was forced into chaos, by being discovered! Consolidation of the east is firming as you read this! The East knows war is coming! The players are picking sides!

I will say this; Desperation makes you weak! Being cornered makes you strong! Chess is intelligence! Checkers is “Fast and Furious!” Games should be played seriously and not as a manipulation device! Solidification of foes, creates better wartime allies! Stand back and allow your opposition to hang himself, then strike the killing blow as they wiggle on the rope! Always know that someone bigger and or stronger than you will take you down! The European’s have to choose a side! India has to grow up and gets some balls! We just saw Israel start changing direction! China will step off the fence in the direction she is leaning! AND Japan has to come home to the east…

The world which is much larger than what the west likes to admit in population, has almost reached a point of no return. The Bully Empire has shoved people around so long, that she thinks the world really likes and or even loves to be shoved and given a black eye. The Western Empire really thinks she deserves to be the world policeman. I saw this turning point when we illegally attacked Libya and murdered Qaddafi. The disbelief was resounding all over the world and the Western Empire made a huge mistake in that situation. It opened a bunch of eyes to the hate, cruelty, murder and evil of the Western Empire as Libya lays in raped antecedence by the west…

May God Helps Us All, for it will get much worse, before it gets better…

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I have now decided to change the flow of the post. My choice…

I want to thank the people who have sent in donations. There has been several in the last week and Sveta and I and yes Boza, want to thank you for the money being sent. It really does help and it really is needed. Because of donations, the domain is paid up and secure. It also makes me realize that I am accomplishing something and there are those who see what is happening…

Windows to Russia runs 500 plus unique a day. Most over that! I have my system to only record a hit if you have never been here. Page views are much higher, for most read and read and read. Comments are not required and from experience, comments are only a deficit. But! The comment system we have now is working and keeps spam at a bare minimum. I enjoy real comments, but we have become armchair warriors and like to comment out our ass many times… 😉

I will respond to any and all donations, for they are the life blood of Windows to Russia. I really thought I would have to shut the site down from lack of funds at one time. This was after I exhausted my funds to move the site six times and defend the site from attacks by the western world. Attacks centered around stifling what I say…

Why stifle me when I am just a nut case right?

Just maybe I know things and just maybe I have seen things that we should not see! Just maybe, my past was wrong and helping to destroy countries and murder people, really is wrong. America had a choice to make, the high road or the low road. We chose the low road and all the trash associated with it. We chose to live near the docks at the waterfront and the crime associated with it. We chose to pedestalize ourselves and then flaunt it to the world, right in their faces…

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We should look at ourselves and ask, “How did we get to the point?”

Men make counterfeit money; in many more cases, money makes counterfeit men. – Sydney J. Harris

Oh how true it is and until we decide that we all deserve what the world has to offer equally, we will never see the light at the end of the tunnel…

Our lives are centered around money. Nothing we do should have a price tag attached….We should live, for the world has the resources for all, not just a few….As it is right now, we are failing and or have possibly failed our mission on earth…

Why even I need money and that makes me sad. I am a willing victim of the system…

She really is, “The Empire of Lies and Chaos”…