What? No way? Miracle? Help, We never dreamed that the electric company would do what they said they would do so fast….okay, faster than a speeding Russian is normally… 🙂
- Look is it true? Yes the electric company…
- Chug chug vhug up the hill with concrete poles…
- Our new but used poles. Good enough…
- Pole hole digger…
- Dragging the pole to us…
- Working…
- Working…
- and Working…
Bless their little pea pickin heart…
It was perfect and yet as my grandma would have said, “Perfect is in your mind, for there is no perfect, just wonderfully enough!”
But even perfect has a mishap…
They tore our line lose from the house. When they yanked and tightened the cable, no one saw the connection pop on our home contact area. Just one connection and Vova saved us. He saved the Tiny Russian Village for many years from terrible electrical issues and yesterday, he got to be a hero again…
Thank You Electric Company, Thank You Father Pavel, Thank You Vova and last but not least….Thank You God!
Svetochka and I are very thankful to not have to spend the winter worried about our roof being torn out…