Fitting stats of the times of Rise (China) & Fall (USA)…

Top 10 Industries in USA by Revenue

1) Drug, Cosmetic & Toiletry Wholesaling, 2) Pharmaceutical wholesaling, 3) New Car Dealers, 4) Health & Medical Insurance, 5) Hospitals, 6) Life Insurance & Annuities, 7) Commercial Banking, 8) Public Schools, 9) Supermarkets & grocery stores, 10) Property, Casualty and Direct Insurance.

Top 10 Industries in China by Revenue

1) Copper Ore Mining, 2) Building Construction, 3) Online Shopping, 4) Real Estate Development, 5) Mail Order-online Shopping, 6) Residential Real Estate, 7) Bridge, Tunnel & Subway Construction, 8) Software Development, 9) Steel Rolling, 10) Engineering Services.

Notice how there are only “service jobs” in the USA, fittingly of the times of Rise (China) & Fall (USA)…

Service industry has its place when you have a strong manufacturing and resource usage industry. Yet, when you are based only on service? You are at the mercy of a manufacturing economy…

Manufacturers build an economy, service economics are there to support a manufacturing economy…

Rise and Fall in simple terms…