For all the others have agendas and we all know agendas suck…

No one pays me to be good and or bad. Not one form of money, bribes and or anything except truth passes by this site. I live in Russia, I walk with the people and I feel what they feel and see what they see and I live what they live daily…

When I say something that pisses you off and they, them, those off, well it is most likely something that the main stream news has told you different about. It is something that your preconceived notions are being challenged. It is something that the politicians are unhappy about being said. So many things I say will always be ignored by all the so called pro Russians sites and hated by the anti Russian anything sites…

Both sides have many many paid shills. WtR gets nothing from no one and it will stay that way…

I consider my position in (pro or con) Russian Journalism as the only one not constrained. – kKEETON…

For all the others have agendas and we all know agendas suck…