For significant damage to the Crimean bridge, it is necessary to expend almost all long-range missiles given by the West. Has logic been tossed out the window?

For the Real World, attacking a bridge, a dam, and or any civilian infrastructure, is much like attacking or blowing up a commercial gas pipeline (Nord Stream). It tells the tale of a fateful Empire. Quoth the Raven Nevermore. – kKEETON…

The goal to some in the West is an endless war, not a successful war. They get rich, while plebs die. But, it is interesting this time. To win a war you must have abundant resources, industry, motivation and stay the moral high ground…

Ukraine and NATO will spend a lot of resources they simply do not have, just to blow up a civilian bridge, but will receive minimal profit; in the long run this will turn out to be a huge problem and another miscalculation of the Western neocons. Called, “all show no go” and the West has been doing this since the beginning. Really strange actually and not logical…

Blow up the bridge and Russians will very likely take out 100% of Ukrainian electric and the rest of Ukraine rail system. Ukraine is not in the dark ages only because Russia allows them to have some electricity…

This war will end because USA NATO will run out of money and hardware. And or otherwise, bankrupt and no resources. There is a point that the West crosses and they see that resources to protect themselves has been depleted past the point of survival and they will panic…

Logical vs illogical

The Western World is being weird and we must ask why!