From Russia things are looking rather lacking of keenness of the mind…

The start of the day is always good especially when you can get your cup of coffee without any issues. It is necessary to have a good cup of coffee (or in my case chicory) to counter the lacking of keenness that comes across in the news. Now that is news both from the East and the West! The East has its stupid streak for news and it makes me laugh to read the propaganda against the West and that is what is is and not expected to be anything more. The East takes the truth and twists it to look in their favor. Now the Western news is not even an attempt at propaganda anymore, it is just flagrant lies that do not have a inkling of the truth embedded anywhere anymore. What gets me is that people eat the lies up and want the information presented into what they want to hear. They do not want to hear the truth because as always the truth hurts, but a lie is cushioning like a nice sofa…

I remember when news was the way news was suppose to be. As I grew up you knew when a line of bull was being given to you and when it was to be serious and listened carefully to. Lying was considered a poor trait of a Journalist. There was a Journalists code of conduct and we were taught that as we grew up. Journalists were people who had thick skin and walked the line of right and wrong, but they made sure they stayed on the side of right, even if just barely. News had to be verified or else it did not get printed. It was matter of pride of the profession to walk that line in the grey area of it, but step over that line and lie, then chastise is the word that fitted to those who did…

I mean we had lots of propaganda in the old days and you can argue all you want, but it was propaganda to make you aware of things, e.g. – such as the reality of a nuclear war with the Soviet Union. That was a possible fact and even if exploited it was still simple propaganda. e.g. – McCarthyism: Now this was one of the easy to see, manipulated by government for political gain eras that just makes you wanna get sick to your stomach when you understand what was happening then. The term (McCarthyism) is now used more to describe reckless, unsubstantiated accusations, as well as demagogic attacks on the character or patriotism of political adversaries. It was a serious propaganda issue that was allowed to get out of hand by a politician (Joseph McCarthy ) who would fit right in now days in modern politics (like a hand in a glove). But eventually the people who could see through the situation finally got through to things. What was power struggles on an individual basis now has become power struggles on a country wide basis and people are to scared to try to stop it now days…

Now in this day and age we have skipped the propaganda part and just present all lies we conjure up as facts and that is that, as simple as it pleases. e.g. – We have been steadily increasing the numbers of dead in Syria now by 500 a week. It is not true anymore than the deaths (10,000) claimed that happened in Libya were true. Nothing is verified and nothing is attempted to be verified. It just becomes fact and that is that. The number will increase on Syria like it did on Libya until we have to go in and save Syria, or all of the people are going to die at the hands of the Syrian government. Then the Libyan scenario will happen and the West will kill vastly more people (Like in Libya) than have even been attested to be killed at the hands of the Syrian government.  That my friend is the way the Western press/Western governments are now in this world and it looks to get a whole lot worse before it gets better…

Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!

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