Funny how things happen…

Since Sammy the Volga is gone and it looks like I will be all week without her. I decided to check out the fence that has a woodpile that sits right in front of her. The fence was leaning and pushing on the wood pile….so I did what any grouchy bear would do, and as I said, “Oh look at this lilac tree!”, I pushed on the lilac tree to see what is all the fuss about…

A lilac tree has grown into the fence and as I removed a tiny bit of the weight of the tree from the fence, crack and twist went the post….and forward fell the whole wood pile. That made me stop and stare and mumble some choice beautiful words of wisdom and then said to whom it may concern, “Well, I guess I know what I will be doing tomorrow!”

Therefore, I will move the woodpile to a new home and I will trim the lilac back and I will fix the fence…

Just as well Sammy is not here, for it would have smashed against her front end…

Speaking of Sammy the Volga, she is still being worked on and the young man had finally found a another guy in the Big Village with a computer connection for the brain (as tiny as it is) in Sammy. They are going through all the sensors and replacing any that seem to have questions about them as the software checks them. Good thing she is not a new car….for she only has a dozen sensors, not hundreds…

We do know that one sensor that was out completely was a sensor to regulate the fuel supply. Now we will get much better fuel mileage. That is good…

I was going to town this week to get a birthday gift for Vova, my Russian buddy and it looks like I will have to walk to the main highway and grab the bus to the Big Village. Then do my thing and take the bus back to the bus stop….it really is just part of life in the Tiny Russian Village and since Vova is going to be 70 years old and he really is surprised he has made it this far. This birthday is special to him…

Just my thoughts this morning as I get ready to start my day. Guess I will grab the wheelbarrow and get busy. Dark and or light outside doesn’t matter, still has to be done…

Have a nice day!


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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.