Svetochka is a very unhappy girl… 🙁
A few weeks ago her Samsung Galaxy Zoom phone died. She took it to a shop and they said that her motherboard died and that parts are not available…
But….I know better, for I shop China’s Aliexpress and I found a refurbished motherboard and a new camera section for under 2000 rubles total. These are the two parts that go bad and I will try, yes try, to replace them. Not much else can go wrong with the phone…
Well, except the charging port and a few other issues. They are minor in comparison….regardless, Aliexpress is the most wonderful mail order place in the world. Amazon does not hold a candle to Aliexpress. Since Aliexpress has put a warehouse or two or three in Russia, Russians have increased their buying ten fold from Aliexpress…
- Camera
- Motherboard
The big issue is, “Am I able to do it?”
I hope so…
Svetochka is the kind of girl who does not like to change things. Once she has something she is happy with, she wants it repaired and kept forever. Kinda like she likes me and wants me around forever. 😉
I am lucky in that way. She does not want me to be any different than the grouchy bear I am…
The Samsung Galaxy 4 Zoom is a long gone product. Repair is the only way, except to try to get one from eBay, but I will not trust or deal with eBay…
So in a few days, the parts will come. I am going to use this experience for seeing if I am capable to repair phones for a living. Well at least to make some money. I am kind of worried. I guess I should not be, the phone is dead, but am I able to fix what is wrong? I am no brain surgeon with my fumbling hands and fingers…
The parts are at the border right now of Russia and I will just wait for the Russian Post Office to deliver them. Yes that is always an issue, the Russian Post Office is not the best cup of tea, but they are getting better…
I would love to repair phones for a living and or hobby. Cell Phones are my passion and there is a ton of phones dead from fixable issues. Even water damage can be fixed. My issue is the fact, “Do I have the ability for small work?”
We will see….for I have a dream to open a Cell Phone repair shop in Russia and it would be wonderful for this grouchy bear…