Woke this morning at 4 a.m. and found it at -12 and you could hear a tree creak from a kilometer away. Sound travels very far when it is cold….and when the world is asleep also. The stars were like right above me and it looked as if I can just reach up and pick one from the sky…
It has been a mild winter and now it is having a last attempt at telling us who is boss…
- Tiny Russian Village TRV
- Oops found the bridge
- Yup it is our bridge
- Oh my, we had an accident…
- Our pond
- Sad dead Birch forest
- Really this is a main road…
- Long shot of our missing bridge…
Trying to walk twice a day…
The pussy willows are blooming and that reminded me of Easter….looks like Easter will be postponed this year. April 19, 2020 is Easter for the Orthodox and that will be in the middle of the coronavirus worst for Russia….don’t know yet, we will see…
Sveta is working from home and she is finally getting into a routine there. She is having issues getting her family to get themselves corralled and stay home. But I suspect that is common all over the world right now?
I find people interesting when The S@#$ Hits The Fan…
I am stocked in the TRV and if her family gets itself together, I am getting set up for them….but….it looks like they will be a day late and a dollar short. Too many, who cares, I am not sick, the government has not said and just plain stubbornness abound…
Yesterday, one village home was opened up and a whole family moved in. They had two vehicles and trailers full of food and their furniture. They have enough room at their place for twelve and more people and they are full….I was proud of who ever got them to obey and do what is right…
See, in Sveta’s family they do not have an elder man who is the boss and it shows. I do not count, I am just an American, what does he know?
Enough of that…
It will be crystal clear for the next few days and all I have to do to finish and stay put is get all my gas cans full and make sure I have all my medications…
I feel good this morning and according to the Russian doctors talking on TV and such, if you do not show symptoms in five days (????), you are pretty safe and should stay isolated to keep from getting it…
I suspect that our village will gain new tenants as the weeks go by. People will wake up and leave the huge cities if they can. I just know that I will be locking the gates and putting up keep out signs…
That is enough for today. Gotta get things done…