Gosh Darn Blocked then Golly Gee Willikers Unblocked…

After traipsing around Kiev and putting my nose into certain places. I found a acquaintance of of mine that I have mentioned before in an article several years ago. He works in the Embassy system for Ukraine and has lofty contacts. He corrected a few issues and then I was given the word of sorry, but time to shut your mouth…

I said okay after I tell everyone that all is back to normal and Windows to Russia is happy again. I will then shut my mouth and be happy also… 🙂

So now that all is good I think I will have an extra cup of coffee today. It will be decaff of course and then I will get back to business in Kiev…

Got to get to the train terminal, call Sveta and tell her what happened, take some pictures of Kiev, meet with a few new friends and get my work caught back up. Just about a week and I get to go home…

That is all I am going to say about that and Thank you Ukraine for correcting the issue… (cross my fingers)


Windows to Russia!

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