Had to install new battery in my faithful Huawei Mate 30…

The Mate 30 battery got old and I decided that it was time to look up battery prices for my Huawei Mate 30 and I found new Huawei batteries for just the equivalent to a few bucks. literally just two or three dollars. I grabbed one and in a few days it came on our OZON

Replaced the battery and found a roughed up cable that is called, “Main Motherboard Connector Flex Cable” and it took an extra 9 days to get that. That cable was torn and the phone started, but something was not right. So I pinpointed it down to this cable. I believe that I am the culprit that hurt this cable. I have clumsy fingers and terrible eyes for close up work. 🙁

Yet regardless, last night I was able to put my Mate 30 back together and it fired up and works perfectly. Just like I never had an issue. So now my old old Mate 30 is back on duty…

** As a side note: I had to use my Huawei nova 9 and while I was playing with it, I discovered how to remove the Global Firmware and install HarmonyOS 2 upon it. It will only stay at number 2, but oh I am so happy to have another clean and safe phone from Google. Just a tidbit for anyone who cares… **

Huawei Mate 30 is simply perfect and unbelievable…

HarmonyOS – Huawei Mate 30, finally got it…

Sammy the Volga and Huawei mate 30

Huawei Mate 30: Living without Google is so easy and so much better…

Huawei’s HarmonyOS what I think as a daily user…

The Huawei Mate 30 just got HarmonyOS 4 and Huawei has been at this point updated my phone way over a dozen times and it gets better each update. HarmonyOS is really better than Android and I am waiting for the 100% non-android connection. This is called HarmonyOS Next and it is coming…


I keep my fingers crossed that I get this completely born new and totally separate OS away from the Western Eco-System…

But, my Huawei Mate 30 is getting old and grey haired and yet, she has outlasted almost every phone I have ever had… 🙂


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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.