“We not only restored our territorial integrity but also we felt united. These years we worked together in order to preserve our country and turn it into a modern, free and strong state, which may be convenient and comfortable for citizens’ life,” he said in a 5-minute speech broadcasted midnight on Monday.
“We see that Russia has been strengthening every year. We see that our economy is growing and new opportunities are opening for the people,” he said while a celebration was going on at the Red Square.
“Let us wish each other new success and raise our glasses to the health and happiness of our relatives and to those we love and take care of most of all, and to whom we give our warmth and to whom we will be close,” he said.
“Let your longest dreams to come true,” the Russian head of state said, receiving applause, cheers and the New Year bell rings on the square.
Putin has pledged to step down after next March’s presidential election. He has backed First Deputy Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev to become his successor.
Happy New Years,
Kyle & Svet