Has the West Bio-Attacked China?

Looks like it!

That could be why China is shutting down again, which probably implies war production and war footing implimentation, due to a 3rd times the charm…

Keep in mind:

1st was mass culling of pigs and they knew it was intentional and has been shown because of a pig influenza bioweapon. Their most essential food protein source….was attacked…

Then intentional so called “Bat Flue” that we now have positive proof of USA involvement through Ukraine Bio-Labs, was number 2 attempt at an attack and now…

Number 3:

According to China’s state-run Global Times, the country’s northwest Shaanxi province has witnessed several cases of hemorrhagic fever. The Chinese newspaper said it is a “natural epidemic disease with high fatality rate”.

This is also being investigated and has shown signs of being intentionally brought upon the Chinese people by outside sources…

As with everything that is happening for years now, you will find nothing but fingerpointing, screaming, whining by the West and constant turmoil to keep distraction going….you can only cry wolf so many times, before others get tired of you and trust is lost, never to return…

Silence by the intentionally jilted is the worry that should consume the USA’s attention. Yet, with an attention span of a goldfish as predominant….they are too busy trying to chase another shiney hook, dangling in the water, glittering in the sunlight…

Thus, behind the scenes, the world as we know it is changing and the Great Western Empire is being shunned as you read this…


PS: USA Plan…

Plan A: Fund bio-research in Wuhan & blame the Chinese for the leak…

Plan B: Fund bio-research in Ukraine & blame the Russians for the leak…