His Holiness Patriarch Kirill inspected the Sirius educational center, where the World Youth Festival is currently taking place and Video message from Russian President V.V. Putin to the participants of the opening ceremony of the World Youth Festival…

English after Video:
Святейший Патриарх Кирилл осмотрел образовательный центр «Сириус», где сейчас проходит Всемирный фестиваль молодежи

Его Святейшеству провели экскурсию по павильонам крупнейшей образовательной площадки страны, которая открыла свои двери для 20 тыс участников со всего мира.

Всемирный фестиваль молодежи проходит с 1 по 7 марта в Сириусе по указу президента России Владимира Путина.

Цель масштабного мероприятия – объединить будущие поколения вокруг идеи мира и дружбы.


⚡️ His Holiness Patriarch Kirill inspected the Sirius educational center, where the World Youth Festival is currently taking place

His Holiness was given a tour of the pavilions of the country’s largest educational platform, which opened its doors to 20 thousand participants from all over the world.

The World Youth Festival takes place from March 1 to 7 in Sirius by decree of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The purpose of the large-scale event is to unite future generations around the idea of ​​peace and friendship.

and below a Putin message to the youth…

🎙 Video message from Russian President V.V. Putin to the participants of the opening ceremony of the World Youth Festival

💬 Our country has already held such large-scale youth forums three times, and each time they confirmed that there are no borders or dividing lines for younger generations. You will communicate with those with whom you want to communicate, gain the knowledge and experience that you need.

This was shown by hundreds of thousands of applications for participation in the festival that came to us from 190 countries , and the only thing we regret is that we could not accept everyone.

Now representatives of almost three hundred different nations have gathered in this arena. We in Russia know well what a wealth such diversity is, what a powerful positive charge of development and spiritual mutual enrichment it possesses.

Our multinational country is made up of hundreds of cultures, languages, traditions, and the brotherhood of peoples has always been and remains its main support, advantage, strength . <…>

☝️ Multinational unity is the greatest value for us, and this largely determines the principles by which our state and society live and develop today.

I’m talking about equality and justice, about the traditions of a strong family and mutual assistance, about serving one’s Fatherland and responsibility for its destiny. I know that these values ​​are shared by the absolute majority of the Earth’s inhabitants.

Therefore, we must protect and protect them together, realize our dreams together, help each other in order to improve the lives of billions, I want to emphasize this, billions of people. Work together for the sake of future generations, fight poverty and terrorism, diseases and the spread of drugs, preserve unique natural resources, cultural heritage, all the beauty and diversity of the planet.

In such a world there is no place for racism, dictatorship , double standards and lies, and a person is free to speak his own language, follow the faith and traditions of his ancestors. <…>

🤝 I am sure that at the festival you will receive a colossal charge of positive emotions and return home with love for Russia .

Important day…