I pushed myself yesterday… TRV

The issue with getting old is that we do not want to admit that we are getting old…

My body is telling me that I am getting older everyday, but still we must push ourselves once in awhile. For you never do anything but rot, if you stagnate and hide from life and her attempts at silencing you…

Yesterday, I was checking out at the groceries and the young lady cashiering, asked without looking up, “Are you a pensioner?”

I was packing the bag with bought items and she looked at me…

Then without even having to answer her, she said “Oh… Yes!”

Then pushed the discount button for pensioners…

Don’t get me wrong, it is nice to get around 10% discount, but as I am walking the long road home. I was thinking about how, I know longer even need to answer such questions. One look and the answer is apparent. That is the part that makes you think…

* * * * *

I walked in a snowstorm of magnificent proportions yesterday.

The wind was reaching 40 kph and visibility was at best 5 to 10 feet. I knew my way and knew my foot was secure, but it was slow and rough. I also can do lots of thinking, as I walk. When you are surrounded by a blanket of deep snow, thinking is easy and comforting…

I thought about all the triumphs that I accomplished when young and how I thought that these goals and barriers overcome where important. I walked and thought, as the snow piled up and it looked as if I might be in trouble. For I found myself pushing through drifts of two to three feet deep and once again, they were endless in number…

So, as I always do, I took one step at a time. That is life, but still I was askance feeling about being readily accepted as a pensioner, and yes I am a pensioner in Russia. Still a full year or so to go in America, but in Russia yes…

I made it to our dam of the lake and stood trying to see the Tiny Russia Village. Impossible was the term used for such a act in such a storm. I needed that sight of the Tiny Russian Village to up the spirits and make the last third of the trip easier. So, I just stood there and allowed the wind and snow to blow around me and took a drink of water. I adjusted the backpack and grabbed the two huge water bottles I had bought (Sveta is coming, no water at village and I want her to have good water!) and was ready to fight my way to home…

Then as I stood there and could see nothing but a wall of white, the wind stopped. I mean it simply stopped blowing…

I sat the water bottles down and looked around in amazement. Then it got lighter and lighter. Then as if God wanted me to see the Tiny Russian Village, the clouds broke, just like that. Broke open and the sun came out. This all happened within a few minutes of time, as I stood on the dam of the lake…

I was wet, my gloves were soaked, my coat was soaked, my pants were soaked and water ran off my nose in a rivulet.Then I felt it…

The sun and her warmth, the dark clothing I had on absorbed the sun rays instantly and within a few minutes, I warmed up. I stood there facing the sun and never in my life was there a more wonderful moment than that. The bank of dark clouds moved away and I looked around in the beauty of the sunlight…

The snow was boot deep, about two feet at this spot and powdery fine. It was about -2 degrees and the world had become crystal clear and pure clean white. I decided to stand there a few more minutes and take in all around me. The world was silent and beautiful. I looked at the Tiny Russian Village and smiled…. For that is a place dear to my heart…

* * * * *

Then I realized the real meaning of life…

I finally found the answer to the question I always ask myself. Life is not money, not youth, not elder, not gold, not war, not hate, not love, not sports, not cell phones, not vacations and not a million other things, things that we gather and scrounge all our lives for. Life is not readily found and definitely not there for the taking and life is not a puzzle that must be put together…

Life is simply nature and once we embrace that aspect of life, we see that nature supplies what is needed…

Sometimes we have to overcome what nature throws at us. Sometimes nature sends us to our graves early, but life is purely all in our heads and what we do with what we are given so freely by nature. God may have molded some aspects of our life on this planet, but life is solely up to Mother Nature. We are animals, animals with additions to our genetics that allow us to be preceptive about things beyond most animals, but we are animals and we should never forget that…

I realized that there is a power stronger and or equal to God on our planet. The same with all planets like ours. God is limited to what is here available and he does miracles with what is here. But everything is up to the Earth and until we learn to accept that and embrace that. We will never find God and or never find life…. God is Nature and Nature is God…. Neither is fulfilled without the other…

Life is Earth and God only accepted what Earth had and tilled the soil correctly to get what we have on this planet. As in a snowflake and or a fingerprint, no two planets are alike and thus, no two planets can have the same type of entities on it…

* * * * *

I realized how finely balanced our world is…

I walked home and thought about how just the tilt of the planet as it revolves around the sun we call Sol, effects our earth. I realized that the balance of our orbit is so precise that if we were just a fraction closer to the sun, or a fraction farther from the sun, we would not be here. Say what you want, but when the earth tilt changes and winter sets in, imagine if we moved a million miles farther way from the sun, imagine how much colder our earth would be…. I just walked within nature and have personally witnessed the fury and the calm. All within a few minutes, all nature and all beautiful…

We live in a very narrow band of existence. Our lives are within that band of livability. When you look at that balance, you realize that you are seeing perfect at work. Perfection beyond our comprehension…

Take it how you want to take it. Be superior and feel like the king of the world. Think that all others on this planet are below you, but the fact is, we are selfish, the most selfish creatures on Earth…

Life is Earth and God; For without one there would not be the other…