I think it is kinda important to think about…


Saudi Arabia has just reached 110 individuals being beheaded. That is the office 7 month number and that puts them on a record pace for chopping heads off. Just like the ISIS does, except we do not give media coverage, or at a very very low level, if we cover the Saudi head chopping at all…

Though, we give 10,000,000 articles or actually the same western media article regurgitated 10,000,000 times, if the ISIS chops a head off. Actually we fake the ISIS head chopping and as par for reality in Saudi Arabia, we do not cover it at all…

It seems that we play god with the media, we condemn, we try the crimes, we point our fingers and we simply guide the public to a decision, even before someone is proven guilty. We have allowed the media to be come the jury, the partial witness, bearer of the sentence, the lawmaker in many cases and we allow the media to tell us what happened even before it happens many times…

Saudi Arabia: Chop Chop…

Life is full of discrepancies and we are the maker of such disparities ourselves, plus we have no desire to correct blatant variations and ignore them like they never happened…

What do I always say?

“Time to think people!”

Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…