It snowed a foot last night and drifted so deep in places that there simply was no way to get out from the village, much less get around the village. Therefore, I cleaned snow until I could not move and at the same time, cut a new path to Vova’s…
- Food at Vova’s
- Drifts over my head in a few places
- Straw Boss makeing me work
- Straw Boss checking my work
- Eating at Vova’s again
- Our world
- Boza can go no farther; too deep
- Cut a path
I zigged and zagged until I found the shallowest areas. I made a path all the way to Vova’s and ate lunch there…
We are going to try to get out tomorrow. Vova has a plan to get to the bus stop and him and I will take the bus to Majara a medium size village. It looks like more snow, so I doubt we will make it, but sooner than later we will get out. I think that fact that I cut a path to him has woke him up a little bit and now he is ready to get-er in gear…
Vova is doing much better today and it looks like he is over the hump of having no alcohol. I would like to keep him this way, but that is easier said than done. He is into his emergency stash of tobacco, he rolls his own and that slows down his consumption. All in all life is looking good…
I am going to take a nap and I just thought I would show you some of the small images I took…
PS: I want to thank people for the donations. Anything counts and a few of these donations are coming from people who just cannot afford it. I get wonderful letters with most of the donations and never in all years I have written this blog, have I felt so good about writing and continuing the blog. 5084 posts and climbing. People do not realize how much information I have on this website. It is literally a proverbial database on Russia and I have been posting for almost 10 years now…
Thank you people for the support…