If Ukraine had had even Two Brain Cells? Ukraine would have run the opposite direction. (Stages of Empire)…

The USA never and I mean never supports any endeavors, especially endeavors that will cause issues at the home front and or if another endeavor shows to be more interesting for various reasons. Reasons such as distraction, money, death etc etc etc…

All it takes is two brain cells…

So like so many before, all through the short USA history, endeavors involving the USA simply hold no water to the child whom sits in his sandbox and screams at everyone else…

Sandbox is getting lonely, looks like the West has about reached this point in its child like lies and tantrums……

Updated chart below from link above…

1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Bargaining

~ Are you here West? ~

4. Depression
5. Acceptance

Oh My! When depression hits the Empire of Lies & Chaos? Gonna get interesting…

It is coming folks, it is coming…