In Moscow and Oh Boy!


It takes a lot out of this Country Boy Bear, to deal with Moscow. I love the city. It is safe and cozy, but it is so busy…

I mean there are more people standing on the stairway going outside than we ever have total in the village. It is a cultural shock to go from total isolation to everything at your finger tips…

But one thing I did do was take a long shower…. Unlimited water…. Unlimited hot water to boot…. No worry that you have to make the water do several things…. Like wash yourself, do laundry and scrub the home…. All with the same liter of precious water…. Why even the toilets flush… 😉

I mean it is so crowded that you ride down the elevator with several people. I just do not see so many people for months and months at a time…

* * * * *

31 st of March I have to leave. I will be back? But you never know. It is one of those issues that dwell upon the soul as you travel. It is not Russia that is the issue. It is a Western Empire that hurts the travel of good people…

Gotta go! I will write a good post tomorrow, today, I am just trying to recover. Boza is asleep at my feet and he is worn out from the trip. It was hard on Svetochka also. The roads were very icy and treacherous…

Sammy the Volga made it and she passed hundreds of stranded cars, cars off in the ditches and new cars broken down. The closer we got to Moscow the more the roads were littered with car carcasses. (Joking! Well maybe!) People and the cops were everywhere trying to deal with the wrecks…

Russians may be good and wonderful people, but they cannot drive worth a $%#@ and that means I have to be extra defensive…

What a day, yesterday was…