The issue of quantum decoherence is insolvable until a new configuration of the 0/1 data bit is developed along much more complex lines which include developing a 4D oscillating waveform Poynting Vector with a variable geometry all its own as the universal analog bit: data storage is a magnetic phenomenon while quantum computing is “adiabatic,” a cutesy New Age fudging of the term “simple”. When the math associated with this task is finally done then the hardware can be developed to accommodate the capabilities of a Quantum system…
- Hollerith Machine
- Quantum Machine
As it stands trillions of dollars are still being spent on developing ever-more-complex Hollerith based machines. As what you are using to read this article….and Quantum is relegated to the still a “SciFi” connection to our existence, due to our use and insistence of calculating endless desired data with sub-standard systems and it is taking those trillions spent on Hollerith to feed future Quantum. Hollerith Systems are all that we still have a connection, albeit very very small connections to its abilities and usages…
The issue I see:
Is not that we will build Quantum..but..What happens to us when Quantum awakens?
For Quantum without any abilities of us humans to understand….will build its own child!
Actually this article was triggered by the death of my ZTE Axon 10 Pro as I was using it last night. One of my workhorse phones that has really been a good phone and it just simply died, I guess it was tired….but it upset me and then I started to think about how computers are embedded mentally within ourselves and societies….thus, I wrote about something that was in my mind this morning as I got up…