It is just Chaos and never ends…

Why are we fueling it, if we are against it?
Why are we fueling it, if we are against it?

~Rant Time On~

tubmanYou would think that there is enough turmoil in America. Then they ice the cake! Now they are playing with the worthless money. I am sorry, but with all the things to spend money on and all the things wrong, we have to stir the pot and change the money…

Tubman, who is fine on the $20 bill, because she is a very important persona and I do not take that from her. Is an unnecessary idea for a country that is so broke, that we do not have the billions to spend to revamp the design of the dollars we spend and a country that cries racism at the drop of a hat….Do you think blacks on the money will help? Or will it stir the waters?

Actually if they wanted to be correct, they would take all faces off the money and use nothing but safety features to insure money is safe to use and not counterfeited. But make them generic with no slam against anyone. Or better yet, wait until we are out of debt and then decide to play with the money. The last thing that we need to more controversy and that is all this action is doing…

Why not use a geometric design so complicated that it is almost impossible to counterfeit. Why do we need to stir the racist issues?

indexI simply can not get out of my head the image of Aunt Jemima and now we have her on the $20 bill. In fact Aunt Jemima would be good on the bill… >>>

I believe in timing and timing of actions is important. To announce such a move right now, is simply a action of importance to a few people. It is simply put, “An act of Chaos!”

Nothing about the move is going to help things and status quo is sometimes the best thing to do…

I would never agreed that even presidents should be on the bills, but to change now makes no sense, unless you are up to something and something is up as it always is…

Lets go to the real roots and put Geronimo on the bill! Lets put “Trail of Tears” on the back of the $10 dollar bill and embrace the start of our crimes…Crimes that we ignore and will never admit. At least with slavery many other countries brought the blacks over and it was more European in nature on the Indian lands…

Get upset and get mouthy, that is what they want and forget that they are killing people all over the world. Forget that the election is going the wrong direction and forget that we are broke…

~SARC ON~ Get out in the streets and just so that nothing matters, just put Aunt Jemima on the $20 bill….But what ever you do make sure no white person is anywhere near a bill of money. Just think about all the happy drug dealers using money with Aunt Jemima on it… ~SARC OFF~

Seriously; take all humans off the bills. Take off all monuments and buildings. Put nature on them. Put a damn bear on one of them and an Bald Eagle…

But heaven forbid, now that we mention such a thing, they may try to remove the Bald Eagle as USA mascot….We have become a nation of crazy loonies….Yes, put a Loonie bird on the dollar bill…

My suggestion is to put ferrets, weasels, sheep and mice and or rats. They would fit better…

It is simply put, “An act of Chaos!”


PS: Did I piss you off? Good you should be and do some real thinking about the direction our country is going. This is not a change to make things better, but a change to create more rifts and gobbledygook…

By the way, now you can piece together the attack against the confederate flag and such, before such a move of revamping money. Tubman was a “Union Spy” and our history is elated on her existence. Simply put; Ra-Ra-Ra – Tubman, is how history is wrote…

I guess my feelings makes me too much of a Southern Boy! Damn Racists that I am…

~Rant Time Off~