- Me Love American Money…
I really try to ignore what America does because it is not good for my heart to read about all the stupidity that we allow our government to do…
But when I read information like this coming from Georgia, my blood boils! On this side of the world you get to hear about all the millions and millions and billions that America gives to countries all over the world as financial aid. This aid goes for weapons, police protection, building new military complexes but very very rarely helps a desperate person that needs food…
Today the Prime Minister of Georgia, Nika Gilauri said that USD 20.5 million of U.S. financial aid will be directed at the needs of the law enforcement structures of the country of Georgia – according to Business-Gruzia.68.5 million dollars more will be spent on improving living conditions of refugees from Abkhazia. Plus $133.5 million more, on various economic projects all over the country.
Previously last week the Ministry of Finance of Georgia reported the USA intended to allocate the republic USD 242 mln in the nearest time.
I really wonder how many of you understand that your tax money is paying for Saakashvili (President of Georgia) to have a wonderful and fruitful lifestyle of the rich and famous..
No seriously! You pay your hard earned money, so that Sassy can live the “Life of Riley”.
I have a right to be upset because I have paid taxes just like you have all my work career. I never thought in the past much about where all the money went but I am here to tell you that billions and billions and billions (add a bunch more billions) go to leaders of these little countries and they squirrel it away for the day that they get kicked out of power… (This I have discovered after living over seas…)
{Just like the last past president of Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko do you think he lives in poverty after the billions that he stole from Ukraine?}
Oh I forgot! You don’t care that we waste our money on Georgia. We have lots of money and can just print more…
Windows to Russia!