It is a holiday of national unity celebrated on June,12. On this day, in 1990, Russian Parliament formally declared its sovereignty. On the 12th of June 1992, the first President of Russia was elected. The holiday was officially established in Initially it was named Day of the adoption of the Declaration of Sovereignty of the Russian Federation , on 1 February 2002 was officially renamed to Russia Day.
Another Holiday and Svetochka and I are busy ignoring the world of chaos and doing our own thing. It is holiday times again in Russia, seems to be holiday time all the time here! As always the huge city of Moscow is half empty again, for everyone goes to the dachas and it is easy to get things done around here…
Yesterday we went to a huge builders market and bought two more windows for the Tiny Russian Village home. Then we shopped for other items to work on the village home and found that life was not bad in Moscow. Everyone is gone, so we had only millions of people to dodge, not billions… 😉
Holidays and Holidays: Russia loves her holidays…