Yesterday, I went to the Big Village to find a part for Sammy the Volga. I found it and installed it. I left TRV and put out a huge sunflower head for the birds…
The pigs ate the whole thing… Oink Oink…
- Middle of nowhere, in peace and quiet. Working on Sammy the Volga.
- Bad windshield wiper motor.
Perfect weather to work on the car and a perfect spot to do just that. I had two babushkas walk by at separate times, as I worked. About 80 plus years old each. They said hello and ambled on their way, “To who but they, knows where?”
It is amazing how far you can be from civilization and out of nowhere….someone walks by you!
But enough of that, Sammy still had the original wiper motor. We will not mention how the motor got finally destroyed, yet, it did need to be replaced….thus it is done.
I also went to the sunflower field, it is already combined, and grabbed more sunflower heads laying on the ground. I will need to go back again this morning…
Yesterday, we had a flock of piggies, at the buffet….The yard was a Chickadee heaven….I just love Chickadees…
WtR in TRV