- First thing tear the rotted wood out…
- Oh, the rose has bloomed…
- What beautiful flowers…
- More…
- Even more…at Mom’s home…
- Oh my, I had breakfast and so yummy!
I have been carrying wood to repair and rebuild the back wall. It will be a nice day, so I tore the wall part that was rotten out and am looking it over. I was hungry as I carried wood and found our strawberries….yummy…
Then I saw some color, beautiful colors….oh flowers!
These flowers come up every year and are so beautiful. Summer flowers…
Then I did the laundry and the dishes to rest and now will start rebuilding the back wall. Then cover it and seal it and paint it….probably not all today….too lazy at times….and the horse flies eat me alive as it warms up!
Just another TRV morning…
Have a nice day!