- Started walking this morning with this full moon…
- Ended up back home and here is the Tiny Russian Village home…
Foxy Fox has to be getting food from some human(s). He peeked out at me this morning as I walked. He then looked at me and stepped out and sniffed the air (Maybe to smell if I had food?). I tried to get my phone out to take a picture, Foxy Fox is fat…
It definitely is a he, not a she….and I think the fish guys are feeding him. He is fat. I have never seen a fat fox before. But he did not want his image taken and off he went, back into the reeds and disappeared. Fat and Sassy is what I think…
One day I will get a good picture of him…
It is getting light much later and dark much earlier. So when i walk at 3:30 a.m. it is pitch dark now and sun disappears around 7 p.m. Trees are definitely turning now and plants are getting ready to sleep again. The potato patch is done and cleaned. The potatoes are waiting and toughening the skin for storage. Gonna have a bunch of potatoes…
So I walked and walked and looked at the wonderful world of the Tiny Russian Village. Then I worked for hours on mom’s fence and installed three new posts and wired ten spots tight again. next year, got to put up a new fence….speaking of fence. I need to go to the Big Village and get eleven rolls of meter tall chain link. Then finish the field across the road…