Well tomorrow I leave for at least five days and maybe as in the past for up to two weeks, or more (One time I spent almost three months in Ukraine). Never set in stone and it counts on what issues come up getting my stuff done in Ukraine…
So as I walked this morning thinking, I realized that it is the first day of spring… 😉
- Spring is in the air?
- I lost the spring…
Oh well, Russians have lots of hope for spring and they all collectively believe strongly it is spring time. Gotta do something to make Old Man Winter go away…
I talk about my Umidigi A3 Pro as being the best phone I ever had. Being pure Android Oreo, I am able to do what I want to make it mine…
This is why I cannot stand iPhone. They do not hold a candle to Android and having it my way and or your way and or our way…
See the sweetie with a white stocking cap on at the counter? That is Sveta and we are at KFC near us. We went for a long walk all through the woods and decided to stop and fatten back up. We love their chicken burgers and chicken fingers….they are always busy all day and all night…
So maybe I will not post tomorrow. I did get an email from a reader and they sent me links to several videos about Russia. I will look them over and maybe I can post them while in Ukraine. I am going to take the Windows Oyster Tablet with a keyboard (I will not take anything expensive due to border issues in Ukraine.) and will try to get by with that. I am not sure if I will even have internet, last time it was not good at all…
So cheap phone ✔
So cheap tablet ✔
Bag packed ✔
Food for train ✔
Tickets for train ✔
Passport ✔
Books to read ✔
I was told (email from DC to be exact) something special. Maybe like in, “That’s Special….”
Well isn’t that special!
Maybe it is time to sell and start another blog? Are they trying to tell me something?
You got my attention, I am listening…
That thought today:
I have watched the U.S. and the E.U. both lag behind a huge portion of the world in technology. It has happened so gradually that no one noticed it until it was to late and there was simply too much laurel riding….and now I am seeing the scrambling of try to stymie the tech flow that is leaving the U.S. and the E.U. behind…
Resting on your laurels is as dangerous as resting when you are walking in the snow. You doze off and die in your sleep. – – Ludwig Wittgenstein
It happens to the best of us…