Kadyrov and Russian values…

Russia is a great country. And this greatness lies in the diversity of the peoples inhabiting it, in the common culture and national identity. There is no doubt that the culture and traditions of other peoples play an important role in the development of the all-Russian culture. This was once again confirmed by Russian President Vladimir Putin at a meeting with Presidential Commissioner for Children’s Rights Maria Lvova-Belova. ” Chechen culture is part of our common culture ,” he stressed.

At a time when universal human values, family foundations are being destroyed all over the world, open desecration of religion is called “democracy”, in Russia the spiritual values of entire peoples are protected and protected at the legislative level.

The country allows representatives of all nationalities to freely practice their religion. All conditions have been created here so that every person can live, study, work, raise children according to traditions and moral ideals.

Our ancestors fought for religion, for the right to pray, to build mosques, to adhere to their spiritual and moral values. Today we have all this thanks to the wise policy of Russian President Vladimir Putin, which is aimed at supporting the original culture of peoples, preserving and strengthening their foundations.

Today, in the zone of the special military operation, our brothers are defending this right, defending the Motherland from the satanic invasion, which wants to instill destructive ideas and values that are alien to us and destructive. May Almighty Allah help us in this righteous struggle and protect us from this evil!
