Kadyrov was right about Prigozhin and after they gave him enough rope, he hung himself…

It’s why I never got excited about the Wagner issue…

Kadyrov about Wagner…

Kadyrov on waging war and Prigogine…

Some people always sell out and some people get excited about their own power and some are just plain stupid…

Psychopaths gonna Psychopath…

Russia cleaning up the Wagner mess right now…



Oh well that is what you have quality hanging rope for and why you never use convicts and a billionaire for war…

If you remember in January, I was seeing the issue. Was not sure what I was seeing, but like a “thief in the night”, it was happening for sure…

Something not right about Prigogine, PMC Wagner and Girkin/Strelkov situation…

They are called, “Turncoats” and or for us Americans, no one is more famous than, “Benedict Arnold”…

Now lets say something about Prigozhin: PMC Wagner = Turncoat…

Nuff Said…