Kinda makes me grouchy…

I dislike having to go to Ukraine to get visa work done. I am not able to take Svetochka with me and that is a serious issue for me. Kiev, Ukraine is just simply too unsteady mentally and morally for me to take my Russian sweetie to….the hate of more than just a few Kiev Ukrainians against Russians is simply to detrimental and they are too full of grandiose delusions and well what better word, Kiev is Russian “hateful”…

What makes it worse is that it is all based on lies and they the people know that it is lies, yet they all (at least enough to make it dangerous for Russians) dance the jig of hate…

I had very bad experiences the last time I crossed the Ukraine border, not bad for me, but very bad for the Russians trying to go see their families…

I guess we will see how it goes this time on the train from Moscow to Kiev…

Therefore, I will travel alone and hope for a short duration of stay in Kiev. I use to love traveling to Kiev….but times change. Sveta and I have traveled to Kiev a bunch in the past and really liked to go sightseeing in Ukraine…

I wish my sweet pea could go with me. Better safe at home in Russia…

This issue is yet another time for me to say to the USA, “Thank You, for messing up another country!”


Good read about European Borders…

European Borders! Just plain are an embarrassment…