Leader verses Social Director…


Leaders tell it the way its. They do not fluff it, nor sugar coat it…

“For the government, for your agencies, we cannot afford this long holiday, at least this year – you know what I mean,” Putin said…

“The hardships we are facing are not only external, they are caused not only by the sanctions restrictions or by restrictions linked with the objective international situation, they are also caused by our mistakes that have been made over the years,” Putin said…

At the same time, Putin stressed that, “We have been making efforts to change the structure of our economy, to refine it and make it more innovative…quite a lot has been done in this direction.”


I keep telling the world that Putin, president of Russia is unlike any politician that I have known. I see other good politicians, but they are few and far between and Putin resides over a huge major world power…

The quotes above are perfect examples of a president that tells it like it is. He does not try to hide things and he does not try to whitewash things. The Russian people appreciate a president that tells them the truth and I as an American, find it very refreshing to be told the condition, of the country and government and not be lied to about what is happening. I dislike rose-colored glasses and it seems that Americans all want those glasses to stay on their face…

Which do you want? A president that is a leader and tells the government that they are going to work and make things better and keep an eye on things, or a president that spends much of his time vacationing and or playing golf?

Which do you want? A president that tells you things are bad and that it is going to be rough, or a president that tells you life is a bowl of cherries and they even took the pits out for you?

Which do you want? A president that drives implementation of changes to better the country, help the people be self-sufficient, and allow democracy and entrepreneur capitalism to flourish or a president that drives political, corporation, and cronies agendas, over the people…

Which do you want? A president that tells the truth or a president that lies?

I was taught to be a leader by example and Putin does just that in Russia. I realize to the dismay of some of his underlings, they wish he was not so driven to support the country and be a leader. But I can honestly say that in my work career, the managers that could not put the ball in front of them, lost their job quickly…

Posted by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…

The copy scores 66.5 in the Flesch Reading Ease test, which is considered okay, but hard to read…

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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.