- Looking back, We left the village
- Fancy bridge for the bishop
- Boza likes it
- A friend is fishing
- Looking back
- Voloda Fishing
- Frankenstein Castle?
- Fog is clearing
- Dew drop spider web
- Starting home
- Getting closer
- Closer
- Now the mountain as we call it
- Half way
- Look who is waiting
- Вот мой дом
Вот мой дом (Here is my house,) Моя жизнь (My Life,) моя собака (My Dog,) наша прогулка (Our Walk,) друг ( the friend,) деревня (the village,) туман (the village,) and новый день (a new day!)
Tiny Russian Village (крошечная русская деревня)
* * * * * * * * * *
Did you take your walk today?
You really should….