What you see above is a cruise missile in action. They have been hitting the capital of Libya with these…
The coalition is perfect and kills no civilians…
However, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates has dismissed assertions by the Libyan government that coalition strikes have killed nearly 200 civilians. In a taped interview with American news organization CBS, Gates accused Qaddafi of planting bodies of people he had killed at sites attacked by coalition warplanes. Gates said this was a ploy to blame civilian casualties on the US-led coalition, adding it was hard “coming up with proof of any civilian casualties that we have been responsible for.” He also went on to praise the coalition air forces for being “extremely careful” during their operations…
So the West is the perfect war machine and we are to believe that we are so damn good that we can not find evidence that we have killed any poor unsuspecting civilians…
US President Barack Obama, meanwhile, has sounded an upbeat note on the mission in Libya, saying Qaddafi’s air defenses have been disabled and his forces pushed back. “Make no mistake, because we acted quickly, a humanitarian catastrophe has been avoided and the lives of countless civilians…have been saved,” he said in his weekly radio address on Saturday.
Have you ever seen the destruction power of a 1000lb Tomahawk cruise missile? I have and if you think that we should believe no one has died, then you are dumber than the politicians telling you that we have killed no civilians. Oh by the way, We have done all this for humanitarian reasons…
Than why is it we don’t care, that there have been revolutions and major riots and killing protests in multiples of countries. No we just care about saving Libya…
Well maybe when NATO America NATO takes over we can admit we have killed civilians. Nah – Oh I forgot, they are not civilians they are collateral damage and that does not count as a death…
So pardon me – while I don’t believe a stinking word of anything that the Western governments are telling us…
Windows to Russia!
Sacked ambassador stokes Russian tension over Libya
Putin is Correct and Medvedev is Incorrect…
Libya Follows UN Resolution: Oops Now What Will The West Do?
In Russia I Can Hear The Drums Tonight About Libya: Boom Boom Boom…
Starting to Look Like the West Will Cross the Rubicon River…