Little Moose being a Little ‘stink pot’ of a Moose…

Just not fair…

We have followed his tracks and have traced him as he wanders the forest area and eats all our seeds we put out. Plus he destroys the feeders as he sticks his nose and mouth inside the feeders made from plastic bottles…

We are fighting with a little young moose, whom keeps eating all our sunflower seeds in our chickadee feeders. These seeds are not good for him and moose mom and dad don’t care…

We are down to small feeders as high in the trees as we can reach and so far he cannot get these feeders. Poor Chickadees don’t know which way is up as their seeds get scattered from here to kingdom come by this stinky little moose with an anti-chickadee attitude or maybe it is a pro sunflower seed attitude… 😉

Where is your kid and what is he doing? Yes you, Moose Mom and Dad…