Lurking in the history is all your fears…

Lurking in the history:

And you thought that only the Russians, Chinese and the Boogeyman where hiding under your bed and in your closet at night?


That statue in the park, that brand of food and especially the image on that brand of food is Lurking to twist your mind into a fear driven frenzy as you check every corner and look under your bed every night…

Got You!

It has actually gotten pretty stupid at this point and I suspect the raiding of libraries and burning books in the lawn of the town square are coming very soon….maybe a witch hunt or two to spice things up…

Cream of Wheat, Aunt Jemima’s Syrup, Uncle Ben’s Rice is but the start of the purge of nasty historical hysterical items that lurk under your bed at night and the store shelves…

Watch out America!

Things are Lurking under your bed…