Medvedev on seriousness of the few who are committing crimes against the election…

All scoundrels who commit crimes at or near polling stations (arson, vandalism, etc.) must remember that they can be held accountable not under Art. 141 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Obstruction of the exercise of electoral rights or the work of election commissions.” They are traitors, and their actions can be classified much more strictly: according to Art. 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – high treason in the form of providing any assistance to a foreign state during a war. If their actions constitute elements of other crimes provided for in Ch. 29 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (crimes against the foundations of the constitutional order and security of the state), and under other articles of the criminal law.

This is not a child’s game of matches or an innocent prank with greenery. This is direct assistance to those degenerates who are shelling our cities today. Criminal activists at polling stations must realize that their actions could result in twenty years of special treatment…


Yes a handful of Russians have poured green ink into ballot boxes and even tried to burn ballots and or the voting building. All on camera and all caught. All are associated with one thing, bought and paid by the west…