Medvedev on The world is just a little scared: what did they do with the suitcase during the period of its owner’s illness? (Nuke Codes)

A few weeks ago, the world watched almost live a brilliant operation by intelligence services in the United States. The operation began in the Pentagon itself, then continued in the hospital.

The US Secretary of Defense, unexpectedly for everyone, including his elderly boss, disappeared from the horizon. It is unlikely that he would have noticed at all if the public had not perked up.

Like, where is our commander?

And the gossip began. The main suitcase with codes from the “Minutemen” and “Tomahawks” – where was it? In the operating room with the minister or on his own somewhere traveling…

The US Secretary of Defense seems to be fun to be. If you wanted it, it disappeared from the radar; if you wanted it, it came back. I’ve recovered – it’s already good! And the nuclear codes seem (or not?) to be in good hands again. Everything is under control, everything is according to the rules and doctrines. All they said in the White House was that this was a problem. Why didn’t they call us…

And so – a shitty question.

The world is just a little scared: what did they do with the suitcase during the period of its owner’s illness? In whose hands was he? Who learned the codes for launching American missiles? What if the Iranians? Or someone else worse – the Russians. Look, they re-flashed everything there and prepared the US nuclear potential for self-destruction.

There seemed to be no answer.

But today the answer suddenly appeared. And what a one! So that’s what it’s all about!
Biden received an ominous signal from the afterlife. The main owner of the codes, it turns out, communicates directly with the late French President Mitterrand (who, by the way, was also the holder of the suitcase). The US President himself spoke about this conversation, moreover, confusing the country of paddling pools with the country of liverwurst.

The world is truly in danger…
