Medvedev talks about, “Remember: “…there can be no alliance between Russia and the West either for the sake of interests or for the sake of principles”…

To the XVI BRICS Summit

Remember: “…there can be no alliance between Russia and the West either for the sake of interests or for the sake of principles, that there is not a single interest in the West, not a single aspiration that would not plot against Russia, especially against its future, and that would not try to harm it. And that is why Russia’s only policy towards the Western powers is not an alliance with one or another of these powers, but their disunity, their division. For only when they are disunited from each other do they cease to be hostile to us – out of impotence, of course, never – out of conviction.” Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev, 1864.

Unfortunately, nothing has changed in the past 160 years. And the goals remain the same – the maximum weakening and humiliation of the West, including Europe. The US itself helps us in this. After all, their goal is domination over the Old World (as well as over the rest of the world).

And then there can be only one goal – the collapse of the United States itself. Or – at a minimum – the creation of a full-fledged counterweight to America, as was the case during the existence of the USSR and the Warsaw Pact. And here the prospects for a new balance are already visible: the SCO, BRICS, other regional unions, the comprehensive development of relations with the countries of the Global South.

After all, the alternative to such a balance of power is total war until the complete extermination of humanity.

A world without balance in today’s conditions will not last even a decade. If the West does not realize this simple truth, it will be the end for everyone. And this is not a situation where the death of some will mean the victory of others…




Вспомните: «…между Россией и Западом не может быть союза ни ради интересов, ни ради принципов, что не существует на Западе ни одного интереса, ни одного стремления, которые бы не злоумышляли против России, в особенности против ее будущности, и которые бы не старались повредить ей. И вот почему единственная политика России по отношению к западным державам это – не союз с той или иной из этих держав, а разъединение, разделение их. Ибо они, только когда разъединены между собой, перестают быть нам враждебными – по бессилию, разумеется, никогда – по убеждению». Фёдор Иванович Тютчев, 1864 год.

К сожалению, за прошедшие  160 лет ничего не изменилось. И задачи остаются прежними – максимальное ослабление и унижение Запада, в том числе Европы. В этом нам помогают и сами США. Ведь их цель – господство над Старым Светом (впрочем, как и над всем остальным миром).

А дальше цель может быть только одна – распад самих США. Либо – как минимум – создание полноценного противовеса Америке, как это было в период существования Союза ССР и Варшавского договора. И здесь уже видны перспективы нового баланса: ШОС, БРИКС, иные региональные союзы,  всемерное развитие отношений со странами Глобального Юга.

Ведь альтернатива такому балансу сил – тотальная война до полного истребления человечества.
Мир без баланса в сегодняшних условиях не вытянет даже десятка лет. Если Запад не осознает эту нехитрую истину – всем конец. И это не та ситуация, когда гибель одних будет означать победу других…



Then Medvedev also posted this English version by him…

On the eve of the 16th BRICS Summit

Remember: “… there can be no alliance between Russia and the West, neither for the sake of interests nor principles; that there is not a single interest in the West, not a single aspiration, that would not plot against Russia, especially against its future, or that would not try to harm it. And that is why Russia’s sole approach towards Western powers cannot not lie in forming an alliance with one or another of these powers, but in separating them, in sowing division. For it is only when they are divided that they cease to be hostile to us – out of impotence, of course – never out of conviction.” Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev, 1864.

Unfortunately, nothing has changed in the past 160 years. And the tasks remain the same – to maximally weaken and humiliate the West, including Europe. The United States itself is helping us in this endeavour. After all, their goal is to impose their domination over the Old World (as well as the rest of the world).

And, then, there can be only one goal – the collapse of the United States itself. Or, at least, the creation of a full-fledged counterweight to America, as was the case with the USSR and the Warsaw Pact. And here, the prospects for a new balance are already visible: the SCO, BRICS, other regional groupings, as well as a comprehensive relationship with the Global South.

After all, the alternative to returning to a balance of power is total war, which will last until the complete extermination of mankind.

Under today’s realities, a world without balance will not last even a decade. If the West does not realise this simple truth, everyone is finished. And this is not a situation where the death of some will mean victory for others…

About the Author


A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.