Medvedev telling a yarn about spiders…

New old attraction

How much American entomologists love experiments on insects. This is their national pastime – putting all sorts of different spiders in a jar and watching with undisguised pleasure as they devour each other.
Finally it was the turn of the yellow-black creatures.

Their owners also placed them in a glass container, gradually depriving them of food. No one doubted that this would all end. Sooner or later, simply observing the behavior of insects becomes endlessly boring. Then they are put on a diet and monitored for the growth of arthropod aggression.

Now these small poisonous creatures sting and devour their own kind especially aggressively. The one who survives, of course, is the one who is bolder, stronger and fatter. Who ate more of his competitors and stole more food, sharing with some of his comrades. After all, they also want to eat at the official Stars and Stripes expense. And they choose the side of the most promising spider for food.

And what about this most important spider-actor, who has grown fat at the expense of the blood and bodies of his fellow tribesmen? What will happen to him, the winner? If entomologists bet on it, of course.

That’s also understandable. He will still be mercilessly crushed by a slipper when the senior entomologist plays with him enough. Then his unappetizing remains with reflexively twitching legs will be mercilessly flushed down the toilet.

Sic transit gloria mundi…


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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.