Medvedev Unchained… (Knowledge Marathon)

Medvedev’s main statements at the Knowledge marathon:

📌 It is possible that Elon Musk could become the President of the United States;

📌Against the background of the task of preserving humanity in the current conditions, talking about a green agenda looks like cunning;

📌 The West turned out to be largely unfair to the Russian Federation and is not ready for an equal partnership;

📌 The prospect of nuclear war is not only there, but is growing;

📌 The world is probably on the verge of a new global war, but it is not inevitable;

📌 Oil prices will continue to rise;

📌 Due to the loss of the role of the euro, the European Union is waiting for a return to national currencies;

📌 Better “quiet division” of Ukraine by Poland and other countries than Ukraine in NATO or world war;

📌Medvedev considers the secession of some states from the United States as a completely possible scenario, said that “he will root for Texas.”

📌The West cannot dictate its will to humanity today, as it did half a century ago;

📌 The decline of the Western economic development model is not far off;

📌Medvedev allowed the abandonment of the euro and the dollar in the foreseeable future while spreading digital currencies;

📌Nuclear weapons are of lasting importance for the existence of Russia, this is “the very bond that gathers the state”;

📌Russia can be the first to use nuclear weapons if aggression is shown against it, threatening the existence of the state;

📌Opponents of Russia should not underestimate the possibility of the use of nuclear weapons by Moscow, whose “hand will not waver”;

📌Russia will take tit-for-tat retaliatory measures if the West seizes frozen Russian assets;

📌 Every single policy in Europe depends on the United States, even the most calm and loyal to Russia;

📌 The special operation is Russia’s answer to the endless expansion of NATO, opponents understand only the language of force. The special operation continues, all goals will be achieved;

📌Russia in Ukraine is fighting with all of NATO, there is an undeclared war of the West against the Russian Federation, everything must be done to win it.

📌 Russia has not run out of missiles, shells and tanks, the defense industry is ready to solve any problems;

📌The military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation is coping with the load due to the special operation and is ready to meet the needs of the army;

📌In the USA, they want to divide the Russian Federation into the United States of Siberia and other individual countries and manage them;

📌Russia created the G20 together with other countries, and now “stunned” unfriendly states are offering to expel it from there;

📌 All countries must make efforts to avoid the start of a new full-scale global conflict.


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About Russian_Village

A survivor of six heart attacks and a brain tumor, a grumpy bear of a man, whom has declared Russia as his new and wonderful home. His wife is a true Russian Sweet Pea of a girl and she puts up with this bear of a guy and keeps him in line. Thank God for my Sweet Pea and Russia.