- Started my walk.
- Flowers everywhere.
- Was met by a rainbow this morning.
- Two big cans of paint on this side of the house hardely covered anything. Very dry and never painted before.
- Ended my walk.
- Our wild roses.
Walked up the hill today. I delivered some items that I picked up at the store yesterday for a good friend. Potato bug spray and mosquito spray….Nina and her daughter have no way to get to the Big Village, since our bridge is out and Nina by the way is Nikolai’s sister and Nikolai is who we bought the home from in the Tiny Russian Village. As I have talked about Nikolai is no longer with us…
Nina is a good person and her daughter is very shy. I try to not impose anymore than I can around them. They are good wholesome people, good country people, who will do and do do anything to help…
I wish Nikolai was still here. Sveta talks to his wife now and then. She is doing good and always asks if I am happy with the home?
I would ask Nikolai in heaven, “Am I doing a good enough job to keep your home happy?”
It will always be Nikolai’s home to Sveta and I…
Oh, I have to start cutting grass again!