- Lilac haven…
- My favorite…
- Standard lilac…
- Sunflower garden…
- Babies are growing…
- Wild forsythias I transplanted…
Watered everything and picked up the yard a bit. Always limbs from winds around TRV to clean up. Windy is the norm around here and that does make life more bearable with the heat. It also helps keep the flying blood suckers at bay for the most part….except do not go near the forest! The mosquitoes are crazy thick right now…
The air at our home is giddy with lilac fragrance. I mean this year it is almost light headed thick….everywhere is a syrupy smell inside and outside the home. The bees are in heaven, they had a plum haven of blossoms and now lilacs everywhere to keep them happy…
The apples did not bloom this year. Not in the TRV’s….I have seen trees full of blossoms in the fields at places, yet in the villages, nothing but a few blooms. Poor apple year in 2021…
This yard is a haven for many creatures…
The sunflowers are off to a great start and the chickadees are already putting in their orders for delivers later in the year. 😉
Need to mow again today. Having two huge yards to mow is a full time job around here. You hesitate even a day and the grass grows half a foot while you goof off…
The white lilac sent by a reader a few years ago survived. It has been interesting to keep it alive after transportation through the mail system. But….lilacs are hardy and this little white lilac wanted to live…
Now that it has taken its time and rooted itself very well. It will start to grow faster and faster. Soon we will have white lilacs in our yards…
I appreciate the white lilacs, very much! Thank you…