Out of nowhere I got hit on the back near the elbow of my left arm. Darn that hurt and believe you me, that hornet either had to run fast or he was going to die. I had a flyswatter nearby and grabbed and spun. Caught him mid air and knocked him down. Then the coup de grâce was another swat of the flyswatter. I think that he was the noise (thunk) I heard as he ran into the fan I was using, but it did not kill him, just pissed him off…
- Left hand and arm swollen…
- Right hand okay…
- D cell battery and he is dead and curled up. Almost as long as the battery alive…
Now my left arm and hand is swollen and I had to take antihistamine…
Man my arm itches…
- Our sweet baby petunia…
- I rebuilt an old Soviet fan..
- My treasure room…
- Door is almost done…
- Almost cannot see the door. You can see the tons of screw holes in the wood, in lines. Nikolis took the wood off every morning and installed it again every night…
- Screws I have been pulling out of the boards to protect the windows…
- Door made from original boards…
- Door done (almost) and locked…
I said yesterday that I was going to build a door. That is exactly what I did. Built a door and basically used the original wall boards and produced a door that is fairly hidden from the road….now I can get into my treasure room easily and have fun…
Our petunia baby has to come to the village with us or it will die. it is our new pet and only cares about water. Good pet…
I found a fan that was from the Soviet times. It was in bad shape and I had to take it all apart, all the way, down to the coil. I then cleaned it up and reassembled the best I could and wallah, I have a fan for the new home….except a hornet smacked into it and decided I was the reason and I guess I was and he stung me… 🙁
I also found a bad spot in the home. The back wall by the rear door has a leak and the wood is rotting. I put a temporary brace from floor to ceiling to stop the roof from sagging. Now I have to study the situation, I know the first thing is to stop the leak and then worry about the wood replacing…
Every morning I take a walk. I want to see the world as it wakes up. I have seen deer, foxes, coo-coo birds, and many more neat creatures. But this morning I came across a dead mole. It was huge and I buried it at the side of the road. It was not injured, just old and dead…
Today I may take it easy. I was wore out last night and truthfully the days are getting hot. I have to careful, being a cardiac issue type of person. I ran my batteries down yesterday…
The birdbrains in the new home are out of the nest. George and wife are running like crazy to keep up with the three little ones. One egg is still in the nest and George keeps checking the nest, yet we know that no baby will come from that egg. George is still hoping…
Makes me sad sorta…
Thus I am holding off on cutting the grass at the new home. I want the babies safe…
Gotta go. Have a nice day…
Oh my arm itches…