Cup of Coffee...
Anyone of my readers that wrote these comments below will recognize their statement. I only added a parenthesis after Georgia because of Georgia the country. The rest is how I got them minus the names of course…
“So I’m guessing you appreciate Russia just a bit more now.”
“Russia is looking like a paradise compared to the US!”
“I am moving to Mexico – it is safer than my home town.”
“When you left Georgia (USA) it seems that so did everyone worth a decency. Time for me to pack it up and hit the road!”
“The World scares me but the US scares me more lately.”
“Remember what we had to learn? The enemy will die, never hesitate to shoot the eye!” 🙁
“Sorry about the abrupt end on conversation on phone. But you never know who is listening! I do not have the freedom to speak like you do in Russia! The phones are always listening now.”
“Hallo, I am in South America and dreams are still good here! Unlike the past in Kentucky!”
“I finally got my USA passport and went through hell at the airport trying to escape America. They scanned me, poked me, felt me and made me explain three times about my metal hip socket. You know, they made me start my computer and take the battery out of my computer and cell phone. You know, I went to Brazil and they said hi and thanks for coming. I left and they said, sad to see you leave and please come back. They never tried to play with any of my body parts. I jumped to China from Brazil and stayed in China. They were twice as nice as Brazil except they asked me a funny question at the border. They asked am I happy in the US? Well maybe that is not funny question anymore, is it? My eyes wide open now! Maybe Russia is next stop because I will never go home again!”
I have a lot of contacts in America that read this blog daily and many of them are either people who leave the country (US) often or have left permanently. The reason that all this is on my mind this morning while I sip that delicious cup of coffee, is because of this article below, along with the comments I got the last few days, printed above…
Papers, Please: by John Brennan – America has elevated common policing to a well-managed, military operation. When the line between small town police and military becomes blurry, you had better beware. Nazi Germany was very thorough in creating such an environment. Everybody was in uniform. Fear and intimidation were the preferred tools of those in power. America may not be a true police state yet, but it certainly has become an over-policed country. Oh yeah, this is still a free place all right, as long as you do what your told. The thing I find most frightening about this new “persona” my country has adopted, is how quickly and easily it has been embraced by all those in positions of authority. I don’t care for it one bit, and am sad about what my homeland has become. I don’t pretend to be some enlightened creature able to see the future in some crystal ball, but we are headed down a dangerous path. Read More >>>
I realize that he is just one person (John Brennan) to write an article about leaving America. But there are becoming many many more articles about the subject and most people who leave, do not write at all and they just silently disappear into the wood work. I like many of us that leave are ex-military. There is something about waking up from the brainwashing that America does and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. It is a good light… 🙂
I also see that people who are leaving America are a totally different person than that who stays stuck in America like a prisoner behind bars. Feeling all safe and sound because the bars are so strong and tough…
Now that leads to the hateful comments I get and I learned that the delete key is my friend. So I am able to see by the hateful comments that many people are happy to be stuck within the borders of America and that is fine with me. That is their choice and their life, just as it is my choice and life to escape the American borders. What I have not understood is why do people have to give out so much sarcasm and hate when they try to tell you that you are stupid, unpatriotic and an idiot for leaving America. Why America was founded on people who left their mother country when life became overbearing and somewhere else looked auspicious compared to back home. Those comments make me glad that they do not leave because the world does not need that crap running around it. The world is being abused enough by the American government without 300,000,000 American citizens acting like it is Black Friday after Thanksgiving everyday all over the world. I do not have a hard time imagining all those crazy Walmart shoppers with their welfare and subsidized money destroying a store in China because they can buy a iPhone at half the cost of the very same made in China iPhone in America…
That last thought brings me to an interesting concept. I really think that most people who discover that the rest of the world is a better place than America, keep their mouth shut. They do that because they do not want to ruin the rest of the world. The world is like a secrete to the main brunt of Americans. It is like the depths of the ocean or the wilderness in Siberia, Russia. They are overwhelmingly beautiful and untouched in many ways. I realize that I have these thinking’s now about how I really do not want to see the Walmart crowd come to Russia. For that would ruin the beauty. It is bad enough that McDonald’s is messing up Russia in a bad way…
Take it or leave it, how ever you want, but these are just my ramblings today and it is what I believe in. This does not mean that I think you should move out of America but it does mean that I think that you should do some thinking in life. Sometimes life catches you unaware. Enjoy that cup of coffee and maybe your eyes opened a little more today…
Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia!
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