Nikolai hugged me and said goodbye, Larissa; who at the beginning was wary of me, has changed and become a friend of mine also. Larissa even shed a tear for leaving, I know that she finally realized that Nikolai and I were friends and enjoyed life together, when we went to town…
They made me, have a tear in the corner of my eye and hugging Nikolai, brought back hugging my dad. We should respect our elders, whether they are our family or not…
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The avto magazine did not come up our hill yesterday and the signals the end of the summer for villagers who are just part time. For it is very hard to get food otherwise. Seems that summer was only a few weeks long… 🙁
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- Hardwoods are changing…
- Love this…
- I can see the neighbors!
- This morning…
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As the Village Turns!
Vova in his own soap opera called “As the Village Turns!” Is having a terrible time with decisions, it seems, at least with his own mind, that he has five women who are chasing him and they all want him to live with them this winter. According to Vova, they are all wealthy, healthy and wise, but he just can not decide the best way to go…
One woman loves eating fish and he takes her fish, one woman loves eating rabbit and he takes her rabbit to eat, one woman loves to eat duck and he takes duck he has shot to her, one woman loves to eat chicken and he takes chicken to her then the last woman loves his homemade honey vodka…
Now Vova says all these women are great, but he is the most excited about one certain woman and it centers around the fact that she has huge (say huge four times) Baps (he uses the word baps and he means boobs, it is a British slang word for breasts!) I guess he is the most excited about the baps on one woman in particular and he is leaning that direction. Baps according to him are very important and you can snuggle up to baps and sleep like a baby… 😉
So Vova as the center star of, “As the Village Turns,” will make a decision before long as to what dream girl he will spend the winter with…
My money is on the huge (say huge four times) baps girl… 🙂 (She is also the richest of the five!)
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I got the chainsaw ready yesterday and today I will finish cutting off all the plum and cherry tree stubs. Then I will cut up firewood length sections of some other old logs that are more rot than good. These will all be added to the stacked firewood for the winter. The neighbors are cleaning their yard and it is looking good. I am glad to see them take some care for the place and now it looks, as people say, “Someone lives here!”
Have a nice day…
Post by Kyle Keeton
Windows to Russia…