Sorry people! 🙁
I got a few, some, many, “too many” e-mails that expressed a touch of dissatisfaction at me removing the donation spot…
Therefore, in the main menu above: ↑ No farther up ↑ under the grouchy bear. Yes that menu! You will find a donation button. If you click it, then it will take you to a separate page that allows you to make a donation. Same button, just moved one click off the front page…
My Bad!
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Today is better than yesterday…
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Gonna keep my mouth shut today: (Is that possible?)
Too many stupid things happening all over the world. & When too many stupid things happen? You need to step back and think…
I realize that thinking hurts most people. People in this day and age have a tendency to allow their cellphone, tablet, phablet and cat or dog; to think for them…
Therefore, I will sip my coffee, read some interesting things about the world, work on a resurrected tablet I have, think with out Boza’s help and decide what to do about the swirling drain that the world seems to have gotten caught in…
Maybe flush it all away?
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I guess I have to say one thing?
About Wikileaks…
Donald Trump, October 10, 2016: “This just came out. WikiLeaks! I love WikiLeaks!”
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) April 21, 2017
Now about that flipflopping I have been talking about. Serious issues in US Gov! …
Have a nice day and try to think for yourself! Start thinking for 10 minutes each day and work your way up over a month period of time, to one hour a day. After you get to think for yourself for an hour every day, the rest is easy and soon you will find that thinking is a natural process… (and it really is…)
( ☣ Warning: Thinking can be hazardous for your health and must be done in small amounts until you become acclimatized! ☣ )